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Colà di Lazise

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Lazise is situated at 64 m above sea level on the South-Eastern shore of the Lake Garda in the Province of Verona. Together with Colà and Pacengo, the municipality has approximately 6500 inhabitants. The lovely village is still almost completely surrounded by medieval walls and steeped in history as is proven by prehistorical, roman and medieval f

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Pacengo di Lazise

Pacengo is a small village on the South East shore of Lake Garda positioned between Gardaland and Movieland. Which makes it an ideal base for guests who wish to visit the themeparks and also enjoy relaxing in the sun.  Pacengo itself is only very small but has a wonderful pizzeria nearby called Gallehus on the main lakeside road.   It also has a s

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Although Bardolino is a walled city, it retains very little historical rests and it has a rather modern and mundane atmosphere. From the city walls of the IX century, only the Southern entrance gate remains and one of the towers. The fame of Bardolino derives from its beautiful red DOC wines (wines with certified origin) Bardolino, Bardolino Clas

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With Pacengo, Colà is one of the two hamlets of Lazise, grown in the XV century around magnificent palaces and castles: Villa Moscardo, Villa Dei Cedri, Villa Monteraso, Villa Da Sacco which is also called the Castle. In August is held the traditional Madonna Della Neve Festival. THERMAL PARK VILLA DEI CEDRI During excavations in the eighties for an irrigation well in the magnificent park of the Villa Dei Cedri, 13 hectare of grounds, a thermal spring was discovered with a natural temperature of 37°C. The water is used to feed a natural lake with water massage systems. The Villa, the park and the lake are open all year around, in summer also with discounted evening tickets.